
Phone Number

6 Wheeler Avenue
Toronto Ontario M4L 3V2

Important information

As private practice psychotherapists I am not able to monitor our phone and email messages all the time. I’m usually available Mondays to Thursdays between 9:30 am and 6:00 pm and on Fridays between 9:30 am and 2:00 pm. I do not check emails or voice messages at night, on weekends, or on statutory holidays.

 If you are experiencing an emergency, please go to the closest emergency department or call your doctor. You can also reach out to a help line such as Ontario Connex.

Ontario Emergency Contacts

Ontario Connex 1-866-531-2600
Kid’s Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
CMHA or 416 535-8501 or 1 800 463-2338
Transgender Crisis Line 1-877-330-6366
Good2Talk 1-866-925-5454

Book a Consultation

Ready to change your life for the better? Let’s connect and see if we are a good fit. Message me below with your contact and available dates, or any questions. I look forward to meeting you!