Couples Therapy

For most of us, our relationships are our main sources of support, connection, and love.

When those relationships become difficult and distressed it can feel like our world is falling apart around us. As we find ourselves having the same arguments, over and over again, we can begin to miss and search for the closeness, comfort, and enjoyment that could be present in our relationship. For many couples these challenges feel both distressing and insurmountable.

Using the IFS couple therapy known as Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO), I help couples (or any two people) identify and change the patterns of behaviour that are contributing to their lack of connection and resulting distress. I help partners learn to speak and listen from their hearts, deepening their connection and helping them have challenging conversations in ways that feel safe, courageous, and open-hearted. Our work together will help you reshape your relationship into one that offers better communication, less conflict, and a stronger, more reliable connection.

Let's set up a Consultation!

Ready to connect and begin your unique path to healing together?